

Tufin Vulnerability Mitigation appは、脆弱性スキャナのアウトプットをネットワークの洞察に基づいて強化することで、組織が修復と緩和の取り組みに優先順位をつけることを可能にします。脆弱性対策(CVSSおよび深刻度)と、ネットワークを介した脆弱性へのアクセスや悪用の可能性に関する洞察を組み合わせることで、重要なビジネス資産に対する最大の脅威となる脆弱性を特定し、対処するためのコンテキストを得ることができます。

Tufin Vulnerability Mitigation appは、Tufinと、Tenable.io、Tenable.sc、Qualys VMDR、Rapid7 Nexpose、Rapid7 InsightVMなど、最も広く利用されている脆弱性管理ソリューションとの統合がすぐに対応可能です。

Enrich Vulnerability Data with Internal Network Intelligence.

Security teams rely on vulnerability scanners to provide valuable data on known vulnerabilities in their networks. Acting upon that data, however, can often be challenging because of manual processes and missing contextual information.

Common Vulnerability Scoring Systems (CVSS) can help direct remediation efforts, but they don’t tell the whole story. Tufin combines CVSS risk scores and other vulnerability assessment measurements with network connectivity insights to effectively prioritize remediation and mitigation efforts.

These insights help organizations understand how vulnerabilities could be accessed and exploited in the network, providing the critical context needed to focus on the most potentially dangerous vulnerabilities first.

The vulnerability mitigation dashboard displays the rules that govern access to and from assets, underlying services that can expose the vulnerability, relevant firewalls that provide access, and tracks trends to see how your efforts are impacting your total attack surface.

Consolidate Multi-Vendor Data Into a Single Dashboard.

Tufin collects data from all your vulnerability scan results—even across multiple multivendor solutions—and displays them in a single vulnerability dashboard where security professionals can quickly and easily identify the highest-risk vulnerabilities in the highest-value network segments. It’s an ideal tool for large organizations and managed security services providers (MSSPs) that need to improve their vulnerability management process.

Prevent Cyber Risk Exposure..

Tufin’s Vulnerability-Based Change Automation (VCA) application scans for vulnerabilities before you create new cybersecurity rules or provision new access, automatically, to ensure that rules and assets are safe before they’re implemented in the network. VCA integrates with the leading vulnerability management solutions (including Nessus, Qualys, Rapid7, and Tenable) and takes that data to create risk assessments for access request workflows.

Open configuration options Automate Review of Connectivity Requests..

IT teams are often inundated with new connectivity requests. Tufin’s vulnerability management tools allow administrators to automatically assess whether new requests will grant access to assets with known security vulnerabilities and either resolve the vulnerability or deny the request.

Mitigate Vulnerabilities When Remediation Isn’t An Option..

Vulnerability scans often yield too many vulnerabilities for security teams to address and patch. With Tufin VMA, security teams can effectively focus remediation efforts on the most critical vulnerabilities and mitigate the rest automatically by blocking access to critical assets until patch management can be undertaken.




Get the visibility and control you need to secure your enterprise.

Only Tufin provides automation and a unified security policy, from on-prem to cloud, across NetSec and DevOps.
