Die Automatisierung der Cloud-Sicherheit ist aus mehreren Gründen geschäftskritisch geworden:

  • Organisationen nutzen oft viele Cloud-Plattformen und -Dienste, die jeweils ihre eigenen Sicherheitskonfigurationen haben Ohne einen vollständigen Überblick und eine Engine für zentralisierte Richtlinien zur Automatisierung und Verwaltung der Kontrollebene für jede Cloud-Plattform und jeden Cloud-Dienst lassen sich riskante und nicht konforme Konfigurationen nur schwer verhindern.
  • Cloud-Ressourcen werden ständig von einer Vielzahl von Personen bereitgestellt. Cloud-Architekten, DevOps, App-Verantwortliche, Entwickler, Netzwerkadministratoren und andere stellen häufig Cloud-Infrastrukturen bereit. Ohne einen richtliniengesteuerten Ansatz, den alle Teammitglieder befolgen, kann diese neue Infrastruktur leicht auf eine risikoreiche oder nicht konforme Weise in Betrieb genommen werden.
  • Automatisierung ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des Cloud-Betriebs. Die Nutzung von Infrastructure-as-Code ist für DevOps/GitOps von grundlegender Bedeutung und einer der Hauptgründe, warum der Cloud-Betrieb so agil sein kann. Wenn jedoch DevOps/GitOps-Automatisierungspipelines Builds und Konfigurationen nicht automatisiert anhand genehmigter Sicherheitsrichtlinien bewerten, setzen sich Organisationen dem potenziellen Risiko eines Verstoßes und der Nichteinhaltung von Vorschriften aus.
  • Die Containerisierung ist ein leistungsstarkes Entwicklungsmodell, das große Agilität und Portabilität ermöglicht. Wenn Kubernetes-Cluster jedoch nicht in Übereinstimmung mit der genehmigten Sicherheitsrichtlinie eingesetzt werden, sind die Integrität, die Verfügbarkeit und die Compliance von Anwendungen gefährdet.

Tufin Cloud bietet Cloud-Sicherheitsexperten die einheitliche Lösung, die sie benötigen, um die Cloud-Sicherheit in ihrer gesamten Infrastruktur zu automatisieren, unabhängig davon, wie vielfältig oder komplex die Infrastruktur ist.

Make NetSec a business agility catalyst

Manually evaluating access risk and designating least-privilege access is burdensome, time-consuming, and prone to human error. Without automation, security best practices are difficult to successfully operate and some security processes can take days or weeks to implement.

The Tufin Orchestration Suite (TOS) allows network security engineers to ensure their fast-paced CI/CD (continuous integration/continuous delivery) workflows and application development remain compliant while they continue to deliver at a rapid pace.

Better Security Measures

With automated network security, organizations can optimize a policy framework specific to their environment and operations. That means no more manually identifying all access and connectivity, verifying if that connectivity is justified, or building the right policy relative to traffic.

Instead, Tufin allows organizations to build a global policy framework across the entire infrastructure, SDLC (software development lifecycle), and network.

Why has cloud network and DevOps security automation become business-critical?    

  • Every cloud platform and provider has its own native security configurations. Risky, non-compliant configurations proliferate across complex environments with different configurations. DevSecOps teams need a single control plane to centralize security policies, automate policy changes, and strengthen the organization’s cybersecurity.
  • Different people deploy cloud resources constantly. Cloud architects, DevOps teams, app owners, operations teams, development teams, network admins, and more provision cloud infrastructure. Without a unified access control and configuration management approach, infrastructure can quickly spiral into non-compliance and at-risk security.
  • Automation is essential to cloud operations. The use of Infrastructure-as-Code is foundational to DevOps/GitOps and a key driver for cloud operations agility. But if DevOps/GitOps automation pipelines do not automatically evaluate builds and configurations against approved security policies, organizations expose themselves to vulnerabilities, breaches, and non-compliance.
  • Containerization is a powerful development model, enabling great agility and portability. Docker and Kubernetes make for quick, agile development process. But if containers are not deployed in accordance with the approved security policy, application security, availability, and compliance are in jeopardy.

Tufin Cloud is the only network security policy solution that provides cloud security and software development professionals the unified solution they need to automate cloud security across their infrastructure, no matter how diverse or complex.

Learn about SecureCloud

A SaaS feature that provides application- and service-level visibility, as well as security policy automation, for your cloud-native environments. SecureCloud is also a DevOps tool that enables network and cloud security pros to manage and automate security policy across their on-premises, hybrid and multi-cloud environments.

Tufin Protects the Largest Networks in the World

What is DevOps automation?
DevOps automation reduces the manual tasks necessary to carry out the processes associated with developing and deploying applications within a business environment. Automating repetitive and manual tasks throughout the software development lifecycle, not only saves time but reduces human error, particularly when the manual tasks involve establishing network connections between resources that or other things that may expose the organization to cyber risk.
What are security guardrails in DevOps?
Security guardrails are a set of rules, standards and best practices related to the development pipeline, from coding and building through testing and deployment. Tufin establishes and enforces guardrails related to network connectivity, in order to prevent network misconfiguration errors that would expose sensitive data to the Internet. Guardrail limit behavior, enable faster decision-making and vastly reduce risk for organizations.